The Parka Family

Ted is now the proud owner of a miniature parka – the last member of the family to get one. I virtually live in my green parkas – I have a few in various states of disrepair and so I wear the really scuzzy one for being in the garden and my posher one for…

Ted Gets Seasonal…

I did a bit of a mammoth spend in GAP the other week, when I bought Angelica’s “Wizard Coat” (see here). I seem to be doing lots of kids’ clothes shopping at the moment because I never seem to have enough of anything – vests, pyjama bottoms, cardigans. It only takes two bad days of…

It’s All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating (Or is it?)

I’m having just a little bit of a wobble about Ted’s continued night-wakings and the fact that we can’t seem to break the cycle. We’ve tried formula, a bit of controlled crying, we’ve tried going in and not feeding him, we’ve tried feeding him on every little whim… I think (know) that the problem lies with the…

The Jumperoo: So Good I Bought Two

I find myself with another metal-and-plastic monstrosity in the living room (though it’s a different living room, as we’re still in our temporary house in Bath): the Fisher Price Roaring Rainforest Jumperoo*. A nightmarish jumble of primary colours, it’s the Frankenstein of baby gyms. Part-bouncer, part-activity centre, it has a wraparound table with shaking, spinning,…