Pregnancy Week 27

Well, this week has been a bit of a shocker in terms of stress levels, what with packing boxes and having to drop off Mr Bear the cat at my parents’ house and moving and then realising that there is absolutely no reception at all at the place we’ve moved to… I feel as though we’ve…

Pregnancy Week 26

Creeping on in with the “26 weeks pregnant” diary entry one hour before the cut-off – it’ll be 27 weeks by the time I wake up! I had massively good intentions for this blog last week – loads of post ideas and so on – but I have been moving house, so I hope you’ll forgive me!…

Pregnancy Week 25

This was the week in which I was supposed to book a GP appointment as part of my “maternity care programme”. Actually, this was the week I was supposed to attend my GP appointment, so I suppose, looking back, I should have booked it weeks ago. Or, because my local doctor’s surgery requires approximately four months’…

Pregnancy Week 24

I stepped out of the door on Friday and managed to pull both of my calf muscles! Now please don’t jump to any conclusions; it wasn’t as though I was doing lunges out of the door or anything funny like that, just plain-old walking. My boots were my trusty old Belstaff biker boots, which have a…

Pregnancy Week 23

Oooh, getting in there right at the last minute with my Week 23 diary entry! This week has mostly been dominated by very achey bones. Not all the time, just when I’m asleep (or trying to be asleep). Hip bones, rib bones, shoulder bones, thigh bones, it feels as though I’ve been bashed all over…

Pregnancy Week 22

Exactly a week ago, I was stressing about not being able to feel any movement and now, seven days later, the movements hardly stop! It’s a very strange sensation, as I remarked in my 21 week diary entry (which, by the way, I only wrote a few days ago, so please forgive any repetitiveness), but…