The C-Section Survival Kit

Quite a few people have asked me about the things I’ve found most useful during my c-section recovery, so here they are – I’ve divided the products into two groups, one for immediately after surgery and the other for later on down the line. Please do add your own suggestions for the “c-section survival kit”…


Five Things That Will Happen After You’ve Given Birth

Five things that will (ok, might) happen after you’ve given birth. Now look, I’ve had two c-sections and so I’m no expert on things that happen to the female form after a vaginal birth, but I’ve read (and heard) enough stories to know that the below occur on an almost universal basis, no matter how the…


My C-Section Recovery

I thought I’d write a little about my c-section recovery, at least for the first week. I’ve had loads of people asking me questions about it, some who are booked in for caesarean sections themselves and want to be prepared! I’m always a bit wary when people ask me about my “birth experience” or what…

The VBAC Class…

Firstly, thank you so much for all of your comments on the previous VBAC post. I really found them very useful, and somehow quite reassuring – it’s easy to get lost in your own thoughts and think that nobody else is in the same boat as you. But it seems that the whole VBAC (Vaginal Birth After…


Pregnancy Week 41

Whoosh! Just squeaking in with this week’s diary entry, I reckon! Week 41, the week where the bump has become so heavy I have to hold it up on the daily speed-walk because it feels as though something might fall out! (Have taken to a daily dog-walking session that involves a little hill, and I…


Sex, Sweep or Pineapple?

Methods suggested by the midwife for “getting things started” and gently inducing my labour: sex, a sweep, fresh pineapple. Also light bouncing – a mini trampoline was suggested – and walking sideways up the stairs. All said with a slightly tongue-in-cheek expression, because obviously baby comes when baby’s ready and the midwife may as well…