Five things that will happen when your baby is asleep…

Sharing a room with a baby is great, for a while. You can watch them as they sleep, feel safe in the knowledge that they're by your side and you can hear every murmur and sigh. What's not so great is that they can hear your every murmur and sigh and so you have to...

From Crib to Cot – The Mokee Baby Bed…

I'm very behind with this post, we moved Angelica into a cot just after the New Year (into her own room three weeks ago), I just haven't had time to write about it! The Snuzpod bedside crib we had her in since birth was just absolutely brilliant; it honestly made life...

Baby and Body: 8 Months Update

I'm writing this on the train because - as usual - I've run out of time and I have a proper thing about getting these update posts out on the right day. Fortunately I have one of those gargantuan iPhone 6+ things, so typing on it isn't too bad, but my left hand does...

From a Mother to Another…

JoJo Maman Bébé have a new campaign running called From a Mother to Another, helping to support vulnerable families here in the UK and Syrian refugees living in Lebanon. Their aim is to get as many people as possible recycling children's nearly-new, little worn or...

Baby and Body: 7 Months Update

Wah! I'm still absolutely stuck on six months - it honestly only seems like yesterday when I wrote the 6 Months Update Post! Maybe because I've been ill for over half of the past month - and there was Christmas and New Year to contend with, so it's no wonder that the...

Review: Philips Avent Comfort Single Electric Breast Pump

Ooh. New breast pump discovery. Granted, this news isn't going to turn everyone on, it's pretty niche, but I'm quite excited because this particular breast pump was a bit of a surprise. I'm not sure why, but I had it in my head that the Philips Avent Comfort Single...

Review: The BabyBjorn Soft Bouncer

Look, I know that we're not supposed to really think about "style" when it comes to baby equipment: in the same way that you have to accept that your vintage sideboard is probably going to have Ella's Kitchen broccoli and swede puree caked onto it permanently by this...

Video: Top Breastfeeding Essentials

A very Happy New Year to you all. I'm kicking off 2016 with my first bit of video content for The Uphill: My Top Breastfeeding Essentials. I hope that you enjoy this and that it provides another little "dimension" to the blog - I'm aiming to try and make one video a...

Baby and Body: 6 Months Update

HALF A YEAR! Dear Time, please slow down. I am very much enjoying myself. It's intense, this baby thing, I can't lie about that, but for every sleepless night/hour of sheer frustration/dark minute of total exhaustion there are hundreds and hundreds of incredible...

The Breastmilk Diaries: SUCCESS!

That in the photo, my friends, is 95ml of the most labour-intensive dairy product in existence on the entire planet. Only something like, I dunno, Starfish Milk would be more precious. Unicorn tears. That there breastmilk in the picture only took twenty minutes to...

I Can’t Get No Sleep. (5 Month Sleep Regression?)

(Just in case some of you think my grammar has gone down the pan, I Can't Get No Sleep is a reference to the well-known Faithless track "Insomnia". Though I don't have insomnia, not by any stretch of the imagination: in fact it would almost be quite helpful if...

Babymoov Swoon Up Bouncer

I came across the Babymoov Swoon Up Bouncer whilst trying to find out how many accidents there had been as a result of people putting baby bouncers on tables. Because loads of us must sometimes (quite a lot, very carefully, and whilst never taking our eyes of the baby...


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