Baby and Body: 13 Months Update

I didn't know whether I'd carry on with these baby and body updates past a year - the ONE YEAR mark seemed a very natural place to stop and I did wonder whether people might get bored. However, a quick straw poll revealed quite the opposite and so here we are with the...

Baby and Body: ONE YEAR Update!

Wah! One year! This time exactly twelve months ago (approximately 11am, as I write) I was lying on a trolley in the maternity unit, crying because I had done twenty four hours of early labour followed by a complete cease-fire in the contractions department, followed...

As Breastfeeding Comes To An End…

Today is the first day that I will be with the baby but do absolutely no breastfeeds. Tomorrow she is one and our little breastfeeding journey seems to have come to a natural, contented end. I have to say that I would be more than happy to carry on with feeding her -...

Last Night A Whisbear Saved My Life…

Well alright, not actually last night, a night about two months ago. Possibly longer, now. A Whisbear saved my life. Alright, it didn't save my life, but it did save my sanity. And to think - I poo-poohed the idea of even reviewing one, thinking that Angelica was far...

Baby and Body: 11 Months Update

This month can mainly be characterised by separation anxiety (mine) and growth spurts (baby's). Last week I did a three day stint in France followed by a two day stint and I had worked myself up into such a state before I went for the first press trip that I...

Where to Start with Baby Routines…

As I've mentioned many a time, we really struggled to get into a routine with Angelica. Perhaps because for the first few months we were sort of homeless, or at least drifting, because our house was being renovated and we spent a lot of time in the car. Routine just...

The Best Luxury Baby Changing Bags…

I was hesitant as to whether I'd ever write this post on luxury changing bags because mostly, for the first few months, I got by without a changing bag at all and just bunged everything I needed into my usual day bag. However, after a number of milk-spillages in my...

Baby and Body: 10 Months Update

A month of discovery: if you put a baby down in a cot during the daytime then they might just nap. Who knew?! I mean, it takes a bit of perseverance at first, and there's the mandatory sixty-second screaming session to grit your teeth through, but after that? People:...

Patience is a Virtue. And also Essential for Daytime Naps.

Oh! I have realised that (in my own experience at least) achieving daytime naps is as simple as having the patience of a saint. I mean, literally. The patience of a saint. Today? Forty-five minutes of wailing, which I ignored because I was trying to fix a problem with...

M&S Leather Duck Pram Shoes

I bought these M&S pram shoes assuming they'd be so useless at staying on that I'd end up putting them on a shelf as a little memento or writing them off as something nice to put into the baby's memory box. I was fine with that. I haven't really bought anything...

BabyBjorn Travel Cot Review

I'd say that this was an impromptu purchase, but actually I had done quite a bit of research on travel cots so it was more of an emergency purchase than anything else. I ordered the BabyBjorn Travel Cot the night before we were due to leave on a little trip to...

Baby and Body: 9 Months Update

Oh, so many changes this month. It's an exciting milestone too, the nine month one, because it's "clothes-size-change month". Which means having a proper excuse to buy more baby clothes because obviously everything is now completely the wrong size all of a sudden and...


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