Things I’d Forgotten About Newborns

I feel as though I should add a disclaimer to the start of this post, because so many people have written to me  recently saying things along the lines of  "oh my God, I'm so worried about giving birth/having a newborn/getting pregnant now that I've read your posts!"...

Giveaway: The Mrs Mighetto Sleepyhead

You'll no doubt have realised that I'm a big fan of the Sleepyhead pod - most of my pictures of Angelica as a newborn were taken with her in one (see above, bless her with her little frog legs!), and history seems to be repeating itself with New Baby Ted. If you're...

The Ups and Downs of Post-Partum Recovery

I wrote the post that begins further down the page when I was twenty days post-partum, and completely forgot to publish it. Looking back, I had no idea how completely low I was. I feel great now, but it's so worrying that even with lots of support you can feel...

Night Nursing: What To Wear

It's always a bit of a problem to know what to wear in the early days of breastfeeding, when you're still recovering from the birth and you're basically a sodden mass of milky skin and sweaty bits of mismatched clothing. You're told that your various lady bits need to...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The One Month Update

It's time for the monthly update - but now there's an extra person to figure into things, "two under two", the format has changed slightly. Updates used to happen on monthly anniversaries of Angelica's birthday (17th), but now we've swapped to New Baby Ted's birthday...

Ask the Midwife!

Possibly my best post-partum discovery so far: an app called Ask the Midwife. Strictly speaking it's not a post-partum discovery, as I was told about it a month or so ago by an app developer I've been conversing with, but I've used it a few times since New Baby's...

My Top Five Space-Saving Baby Things

Travelling light? Here are my top five most-used space-saving baby things. You're welcome. The Yoyo Pushchair, recently reviewed here, if you want to read more about it. Folds down so small you can fit it in an overhead aeroplane locker and is great if you have a...

Mini Rodini x Adidas Originals: A Year of Total Cool

I know that the word "cool" is a bit outdated, but I don't know how else to describe the collaboration between kids' brand Mini Rodini and Adidas. When a top-hatted panda mini-tracksuit arrived on the doorstep, my first thought was: my sister would LOVE this in a...

A New Arrival…

For those who don't follow me on Twitter or Instagram, an important update: New Baby has arrived! A boy! He was delivered on Friday 3rd February weighing in at 9lbs 7oz and he is just absolutely perfect in every single way. (Not the seventy eight thousand kilos I was...

GAP x Disney Dumbo

In between doing crazy, frenzied bursts of work (obviously my version of nesting, as I've mentioned!), I have been spending quite a bit of time browsing clothes online for Angelica. And in-store, if I've been out and about, but in truth I've not been getting around...

Mokee Tipi Giveaway! CLOSED

UPDATE: The winner of the Mokee Tipi Tent is Katie Groves! I'll contact you by email for your address - congratulations! I nice little reprieve from the whole Gestational Diabetes debacle (yes I do have it, update post coming soon) and the electric shock pains that...

Baby and Body: 19 Months Update

This is the biggest update yet, I reckon. Not in terms of length, but in terms of sudden developmental leap. I don't know whether it was because we took two weeks off at Christmas and so perhaps we were more attentive to Angelica than usual (I mean, she gets a lot of...


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