Surviving Two Under Two

I have officially survived having "two under two". For new readers, I had a new baby (Ted) nineteen months after having my first baby (Angelica) and so, for the past few months, (five to be exact), I've had two children under the age of two. I didn't even know that...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Four Month Update

Well, we're almost at the point where I'm saying goodbye to "two under two" - Angelica is two in two weeks' time. All the twos. It has been difficult at times, having a toddler and a newborn, though not quite as bad as I had anxiously thought it might be. But I have...

The Multipurpose Maternity Cushion

Well I have to say that the Mum and B Ergonomic Maternity Cushion from Babymoov has been a total Godsend. I used it continuously through the last trimester to get my back/legs/neck comfortable in bed and I have used it for almost every single feed since New Baby Ted...

Overactive Tits, Please Calm Down…

I'm pretty sure that my breasts weren't this enthusiastic with the milk production first time around. Is it some sort of phenomenon that on the second baby they go into overdrive, squirting milk at any and every opportunity, turning on like leaky taps the minute you...

Nomi Highchair Giveaway!

*UPDATE: the winner of this giveaway has been announced (as promised!) on the Nomi social media platforms. Their Facebook page is here. Well this is rather good news: I have an amazing Nomi Highchair to give away to one UK reader! You'll remember from my Nomi review...

What To Do When Your Baby Won’t Stop Crying

I'll start by saying that this isn't a post about potential causes of manic crying episodes in newborn babies - I honestly don't have a clue what sets them off and, on a more serious note, if you think that there's actually something wrong with them then always seek...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Three Month Update

Sometimes, as I write these updates, I think to myself my kids are going to absolutely hate me when they're older, for sharing these things! But you've got to hate your parents for something, so here we go: Angelica did her first poo on the potty yesterday! To be...

Easy Access Newborn Vests

I have to say that I'm rather partial to these "wrap-over" style vests from H&M. One of the most difficult things about dressing a newborn is trying to get things over their head without almost breaking their neck. The wibbly wobbly head is nigh on impossible to...

5 Newborn Baby Things That Get Better With Time

A little "there's light at the end of the tunnel" post for those who are in the throes of newborn baby chaos. If you're muddling through a life of relentless baby-feeding, non-existent evenings and interrupted nights then fear not: this too shall pass. And then you'll...

Nomi Newborn Highchair Review

If you're after the world's most luxuriously stylish highchair then this - possibly - is it. The Nomi highchair has more in common with a modern sculpture than a piece of functional baby equipment, but it's by no means a matter of style over substance - this chair is...

Baby Bjorn Highchair Review

I've been meaning to get started on my baby equipment reviews for months and months, now - I have about seventeen-thousand double pushchairs to test, loads of car seats and various cots, chairs and gadgets. All of which are stacked in the hallway of my house or stowed...

Toddler, Baby and Me: The Two Month Update

I'm writing this in a snatched bit of time before bed; New Baby Ted has dropped off unexpectedly early and so I've been racing through a long list of admin so that I can go to sleep with a clear mind! So let's not spend too long on the pleasantries and cut straight to...


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