The Big (Little) Co-Sleeping Experiment

Following my Co-Sleeping. Kind of. post, I decided to take the plunge and see what it was like sharing a bed with Baby Angelica. If only for a few hours. Because I started to wonder whether the whole co-sleeping issue had maybe been blown out of all proportion,...

The Breastmilk Diaries: Milking into a Teacup

Title is pretty self-explanatory really: things hit an all-time undignified low the other day when it became necessary, due to the huge engorgement of my right breast, to milk myself into a teacup. Closing the blinds in the lounge would probably have been prudent, but...

The Eight Week Jabs – Feeling Primal

(I just found this post; thought I had published it but it was languishing in my drafts folder. Sorry! I wrote it nearly two weeks ago now...) Ooh! Well that was a turnout for the books! I've just experienced the most primal, intense feeling of protectiveness over...

The Baby Gut and the “When’s It Due?” Situation.

It was bound to happen at some point. That terribly awkward "when are you due?" situation. A question that is fine if you're pregnant, but really quite soul-destroying if you're not. My own "situation" has just happened at the Tesco pharmacy counter, of all places....

Co-Sleeping and the Snuzpod Review

I wasn't really aware of the concept of co-sleeping until I was about eight months pregnant - I think I've mentioned before that I had a complete mental block about anything that might happen after pregnancy. ie, a baby. I was so focused on just hanging on to my...

The Breastmilk Diaries: Days 1-5

Well. Nothing to report here. If I had to do a little run-down of my breastmilk expressing experiences so far, they would go something like this: Day 1: look at the MAM Breastfeeding Starter Kit. Try to read instructions, which are printed on one piece of card with a...

Resentful Night Episodes: Rage Against the Husband

I know that this is really unfair, and I hope that he doesn't read it (and indeed that at least one other person feels this way, otherwise I'll look like a total bitch!*) but I sometimes feel really resentful when I'm doing a nightfeed and my husband is fast asleep....

Baby and Body: 2 Months Update

Oh, where has the time gone? I honestly thought that being indoors with a baby, constantly feeding, would make the time really drag but actually I would quite like to press pause so that I can savour every moment. I now understand what people mean when they say that...

Express Yourself: The Breastmilk Diaries

Oh, I'm all in a pickle about this expressing business. I want to do it because it would be nice to get a couple of hours off, during the day, just to get stuff done. Even if it's being able to pop to the supermarket on my own (YES!) without worrying that the baby...

Milestone Baby Cards

    I bought these the other day from Amazon (just one of my many middle-of-the-night internet purchases!) and they would make such a good new baby gift. They're "Milestone" cards for taking photographs with - so if your baby is one week old, or ten weeks...

The Babygrow Obsession

When I really like something, fashion-wise, I tend to get a bit obsessed and buy multiple versions and colourways and sizes. Just in case, you know, they ever run out. Which is why I have Office's Cecilia ballet pumps in black, beige, beige with black toes caps, green...

My Top 5 Breastfeeding Essentials

My top five breastfeeding essentials. Apart from breasts, obviously. They're pretty essential for breastfeeding, I would have thought. The nipple part, at least. Anyway, here are the five things that have made breastfeeding easier and/or more bearable in the trickier...


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