Baby and Body: 5 Months Update

As I write this I am breastfeeding and being periodically smashed in the face by a small, perfectly formed hand. When they're not trying to tweak my nose, the podgy little fingers are pulling on my bra strap, trying to free the nipple that's not in use and winding...

The Breastmilk Diaries: In at the Deep End

After a long gap in which I had made no attempt whatsoever to do any breastmilk expressing, a bout of mastitis the other week (see here) forced me to have another go. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end! Foggy-headed and feverish, messing about with boobs and...

Bamboo Reusable Breast Pads

Thanks to the many readers who recommended I try reusable bamboo breast pads: they are indeed quite brilliant. Soft, easily absorbent enough and I don't feel bad that I'm adding to the landfill with my throwaway pads. (Enough guilt going on with the nappies.) I bought...

Baby’s First Book

I have managed to wreak a lot of mileage out of this little cloth book in the month I've had it. Possibly not the most intellectually challenging of reads, it simply features the high contrast faces of three different farm animals (cow, sheep, pig) using three colours...

Review: Sleepyhead Deluxe Portable Baby Bed

This review is well overdue, because the Sleepyhead is, I think, my most-used piece of baby equipment so far. I have used it multiple times a day, almost every day since we came home from the hospital. And never has something been recommended to me so many times, by...

Baby and Body: 4 Months Update

You can probably tell by the fact that my posts have been a bit more sporadic that I have a hell of a lot less time at the moment. Mainly because Baby A hardly sleeps at all during the day - a nap here and there, but nothing solid - and we have absolutely no routine...

The Dreaded Mastitis

About a week and a half ago I was drafting a post entitled The Pros and Cons of Breastfeeding (watch this space for that one!) which began with the words, I feel incredibly lucky to have - thus far - had quite an unproblematic breastfeeding experience. Tempting fate...

Baby Equipment: The Big Stuff

Sorry that this post has taken so long to appear - I kept adding to it as I used the products more and more. I'm sure that I'll have more to say again in a month or so! I've had lots of people asking me what I went for in terms of cot, pram and car seat - the main,...

Baby Excitement: Lamaze Gardenbug Rattles

I wish that I'd bought these a hell of a lot earlier; they're absolutely brilliant! If you've ever wondered what to do in the toy/amusement department when your baby is too young to grasp hold of something, these are the answer. Little socks and wristbands with...

The Babygrow Bonus!

We have been moving back into our newly renovated house and I keep discovering bags of things I'd forgotten I had. It's brilliant - kind of like Christmas, but without having to go shopping or cook a roast. In one of the baby bags I found a pack of three...

Baby and Body: 3 Months Update

The three month update. I would use that age-old phrase the time has flown by, but actually, this month hasn't. Probably because we've been waiting to move back into our house and every day has presented a new delay or obstacle, but also because there have been so...

The Best Baby Gadget in the World. Ever.

I have come to the conclusion that the best gadget in the world, ever, for saving your sanity when you have a baby is this: Yes, readers, I am talking about the humble motorcar. The magical, sleep-inducing, cry-preventing machine that is, with any luck, sitting right...


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