My Filming Equipment, Moka Mascara and some Crazy Animal Close-Ups…

My Filming Equipment, Moka Mascara and some Crazy Animal Close-Ups…

1) I have a new background for shooting my makeup videos against; a chic, blue-ish mid-grey. This will be of limited interest to most of you, but a few people asked on Instagram for details – it’s a Lastolite background and you can get them from photography shops. They do all kinds of colours. Quite…

Square Eyes and Drastic Dog Shaving…

Square Eyes and Drastic Dog Shaving…

1) Goddamn you NowTV and your continuing encouragement of television-watching marathons: not only have you started showing the American series Girls, which I have always been keen to get started on, but you keep sending me emails that – if I didn’t know better – could be written by Satan’s very own hand. Listen to this for…

The Book Thief, Sherlock Holmes and a Happy New Year…

The Book Thief, Sherlock Holmes and a Happy New Year…

1) Happy New Year everyone! I trust you all had excellent Christmas holidays and are now picking your way out of the debris, bleary-eyed and doughy-skinned, empty wine bottles crunching beneath your feet and Quality Street wrappers tumbling from every pocket. Making that concerted effort to “get back to normal”… I’m trying to wean myself…

how to unstuff your nose

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Mouth Breathing and the Cone of Shame

1) I have spent an entire week breathing through my mouth because I still have the world’s most persistent cold. Honestly, it’s becoming very distracting. I’ve taken to sipping water every five seconds to stop the inside of my throat drying out – I feel like I need to install a kind of mini sprinkler system in…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Wally, Waldo and Visible Germ Trajectories

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Wally, Waldo and Visible Germ Trajectories

1) I’m featured in Red Magazine Online this week talking about top beauty tips. You can take a little look here – just a small mention, but I’m always happy to pop up in magazines and I hardly ever remember to tell anyone about it! So yes, Red Magazine, beauty tip, here. 2) Short and…

cream british shorthair cat

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Naughty Pets, Apple Laces and Jess from Homeland.

1) Mr AMR and I decided to give Homeland a go, as we’d exhausted pretty much all other TV shows on Netflix apart from the really rubbish ones. We were quickly hooked into the fast-paced story line and devoured two series in just under two weeks. Trivial fact: Jess, Nicholas Brody’s wife in the series, suddenly became…

mr bear sleeping

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Crying, Buying, Reading, Sleeping

1) Crying: oh God, the John Lewis Christmas advert. It gets me every single year. This one didn’t catch me out until quite near the end, but I still had to go for a little “quiet moment” afterwards and re-do my eye makeup. A lot of people online have voiced their disappointment with this year’s effort;…

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

1) I don’t even like Nutella that much*, but I love the idea that you can personalise your own jar! I found this little gift idea when I was browsing about on the newly re-launched Selfridges website (they have a “favourites” button now so that you can save things to your wishlist as you go along, and…

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Dan’s Art and Brushing Pets

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Dan’s Art and Brushing Pets

1) My big brother Dan is currently exhibiting his art work at Bold Street Coffee in Liverpool. If you are in the area, then please do pop in and have a look! He has also finally put some of his pieces online – here’s his website: And here’s the man himself, posing in front of his paintings (above)….

mr bear

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Book Fatigue and Inner Strength Candles

1) I must say that I am struggling slightly with The Goldfinch. It is taking a hell of a lot of time and effort to wade through it, and I’m starting to lose heart! I know that it’s probably sacrilege to say so, because this was “book of the century” or what have you, but I’m actually getting…