Sunday Tittle Tattle: Editing  a Novel in 75,000 Easy Steps

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Editing a Novel in 75,000 Easy Steps

I wrote a novel, years ago, when I was doing my Master’s Degree, and I thought that it was about time I finished it off. Because what sort of madman writes a novel and then does nothing with it? We’re talking  over 160,000 words here; admittedly it’s not War and Peace, but it did take a bloody…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Ray Donovan and the Sabotaged Sleep Routine

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Ray Donovan and the Sabotaged Sleep Routine

After last week’s Sleeplessness post I tried to make some serious changes to my bedtime routine. Thank you, by the way, for all of your amazing comments – I was really rather touched that so many of you took the time to share your experiences and give advice. And as last week’s post was so well-read, I…

insomnia cures

Sunday Tittle Tattle: A Mild Sort of Sleeplessness

I seem to have developed an (admittedly rather mild) case of insomnia. In fact, I don’t want to annoy people who do have insomnia, so perhaps I’ll simply call it “a bit of sleeplessness”. It’s not serious, but definitely annoying enough to be the topic for this week’s Sunday Tittle Tattle! I’ve always been rather proud of…

sali hughes in the bathroom

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Look Who’s In My Bathroom

Two very long videos for you, perfect viewing for a lazy Sunday afternoon. I feel honoured to be part of Sali Hughes’ In The Bathroom series, where she pokes about in people’s cupboards and drawers and manages to conduct rather in-depth interviews all at the same time… If you ever wanted a “crash course in Crilly” then…

l'oreal color riche nails moka chic

Sunday Tittle Tattle: I’m the April Fool

I was well and truly pranked this April Fools’ Day, and by a completely unexpected source. The monthly Parish News magazine that gets delivered through my letterbox. Now this little village newsletter has such a kind and friendly tone that you would never in a million years expect it to try and trick you – one whole page of it,…

makeup beauty basics videos the telegraph
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Sunday Tittle Tattle: Going Back to Basics

I have a new series of beauty videos running at The Telegraph; the Beauty Basics. They take some of the makeup tasks we tend to take for granted – applying mascara, grooming brows – and very simply describe how to do them. Great if you’re totally new to beauty and always at a loss as to how…

roger gallet body balm

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Masculine Houses and Lovely Little Treasures

You may have gathered, from seeing the odd flash of house in the backgrounds of my videos and photographs, that my taste in interiors is – what would be traditionally considered to be – rather masculine. I tend to favour warm woods and clean lines and darker colours over anything that could be considered pretty. Rosewood, leather,…

bathtime remedies

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Hello From The Other Side…

Oh man, I honestly thought I’d never feel normal every again after my two-and-a-bit weeks of cold/cough/throat/chest things. I started to get a bit depressed, lying in bed all day, and even my marathon reading sessions didn’t really cheer me up. (On that note: I have so many new book recommendations for you. I’m going…