Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) What a week! No sooner had I moved into my new house (yes I'm loving it, yes I have been spending an inordinate amount of time watching little birds dart in and out of the trees and the bird houses and staring at the river) than I had to whizz off again and spend...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) I'm writing this one way in advance - nearly a whole week! - for fear that I will get to my new country residence and be stuck without internet. It's funny - I am almost obsessional about making sure that one post goes out a day here on A Model Recommends. If...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) I'm mid house-move, so my most sincere apologies on advance if any posts are missing over the next week or so. I dread to think what the internet will be like where I'm going - I may find myself running at full pace back to London and kicking out my tenants. "I've...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) At the risk of repeating myself, I have to just say one more time that these palettes and glow powders (above) from Burberry Beauty are so gorgeous. An absolute pleasure to use. They have been making me very, very happy for the past month! You can watch the video...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) Starting off with a picture of Mr Bear because I forgot to post one up last week. Naughty me! Here he is in a basket. Ah, the simple things. 2) From cats to the ACCIDENTAL SELFIE! Does this ever happen to you? You turn your iPhone camera on and it's pointing at you...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) Dissertation is finished - woohoo, happy face, champagne etc! Unfortunately I discovered some silly errors after I'd handed it in but I'm trying not to let that bother me. For now, my friends, I am free! Although....please see point 2. 2) It's out of the frying pan...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) Hurrah. This is the last Sunday Tittle Tattle that will ever be affected by essays, MA research, anything involving copious amounts of reading or editing... The dissertation and 15,000 words of polished-up fiction is nearly complete. D-Day is Wednesday. Everything...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) With just ten days to go until dissertation "D-Day" I have found that my brain is increasingly unresponsive to anything that isn't cute and frivolous. It's as though my mind has had enough of serious matters (narrative devices, literary theory and so on) and simply...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) Um. Not much to report, here, at all. Still "researching" my dissertation. I have barely left the house and am starting to feel like one of those Arctic explorers who write diary entries that get increasingly bizarre and nonsensical as the weeks go by. At the...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Bit thin on the ground, again, I'm afraid, as I am now properly buried in my MA work with no light at the end of the tunnel! I haven't even properly planned out my dissertation yet - I'm still finishing my coursework! Eeek. I want to find some cheeky, chirpy things to...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) Love this press release that I got sent through from Beauty Mart; it's for a fake tan remover. It's basically a rough sponge, I think, that buffs away the colour - it's called the Beauty Bronze Buffer. Has any one used it? Does it work? I shall have to get hold of...

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) I am pleased to announce that this week I have actually managed to get some work done! I KNOW! I owe it all to a certain computer application called the Freedom App. Recommended to me by my booker at Models1, Josy, and also by a few of my Twitter friends, it has...