Ojon Trade-In Day Today! Free Haircare….
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Ojon Trade-In Day Today! Free Haircare….

This is an absolute no-brainer. Take an empty shampoo or conditioner bottle into your nearest participating John Lewis, Boots, House of Fraser or Harrods today and you’ll get free Ojon products worth £41.50. Yes, you heard me right. If these words are a bit deja-vu that’s because I posted about this a while back, and…

pixiwoo gossmakeup chapman burr crilly

Daily Mix – Fancy Getting Involved?

If you’re an avid Youtube viewer then you can’t have failed to notice all of the buzz surrounding the new Daily Mix channel. It’s a new fashion, beauty and lifestyle channel that I’m going to be presenting along with Sam and Nic Chapman from Pixiwoo, Wayne Goss, Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman. It’s going to…

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… 1) Ojon Trade-In Day is on November 8th. Take an empty shampoo or conditioner bottle (any) into your nearest participating John Lewis, House of Fraser or Boots and receive the Damage Reverse Duo (worth £41.50) for…

Karl Lagerfeld’s “The Little Black Jacket” Exhibition

Karl Lagerfeld’s “The Little Black Jacket” Exhibition

Yesterday I went to the press preview of Karl Lagerfeld’s photographic exhibition, The Little Black Jacket. As expected, it was chic and beautiful and effortlessly cool – the portraits were of models and actors and all sorts of people, all wearing Chanel’s classic black jacket. A nice idea, I think – it shows off the sheer…

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… 1) Amazing online beauty store Cult Beauty (above) have recently relaunched their website in a slicker, faster and easier-to-use format. I think that it looks brilliant and there are some incredible makeup and skincare brands to be…

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… 1) Those who wanted a list of the products used in the Burberry Nude video for the Telegraph, it’s here: telegraph-burberry-nude 2) If you’ve been on holiday in a soundproofed box and missed my important Telegraph news, you…

I Need Your Help…

I Need Your Help…

Your help needed, my video-loving readers! I have been selected as one of Youtube’s “on the rise” people – Youtubers who have seen a significant growth in subscribers but haven’t yet reached the 100,000 mark. I’m honoured! There are four “on the rise” Youtubers and the one with the most votes this month gets featured…