a model recommends style blog post

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… 1) After going on about how good I’m going to be with my spending “issues”, the above happened. Ooops. I couldn’t resist – they appealed to the magpie within. And obviously a pair of glittery ballet pumps are…

ruth crilly a model recommends cat

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… 1) Keeping it rather brief this weekend, I’m afraid, as I have been stuck in bed with some sort of horrendous cough-cold-headache hybrid. I’ve dragged myself up for an hour and I’ve got that weird spinning-head…

model beauty review recommends

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… Oh hullo everyone! I hope that you’re having a lovely weekend? As usual, I’m writing this on Friday night because a) I have no life these days and b) I’m shooting for Daily Mix again on Saturday, leaving…

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks… 1) I am seriously addicted to Dexter now. (See last week’s Tittle Tattle.) The other day I thought to myself, “who shall I ring and chat to?” and the first person that popped into my head was Dexter’s…