Biscuits, Blankets and New Beds (Sort Of) | AD

christy junior bedroom girls

We are still rather discombobulated here, in the City of Bath. Our rented house is utter chaos, mainly due to the fact that I am using 90% of it as my office/storage facility and have beauty products on every available surface, but also because we are hesitant to unpack all of our boxes and so can never find anything that we need. We never expected to be here for long, as we had our eye on a few houses before we moved (hello, fellow Rightmove addicts) and so a good proportion of our stuff is in storage and what we do have with us is mostly packed up in boxes and suitcases.

christy junior bedroom girls

But rather than bore you with the mundane details of our house-moving adventure, I want to show you the gorgeous little beds I made up with the new Christy Junior collections, Woodland Trail and Infinity and Beyond. I put the pretty, floral Woodland Trail collection onto a single bed and the space-themed Infinity and Beyond onto the cot bed. I had to set up the beds in the living room, which was sort of the point of my long-winded, seemingly irrelevant introduction to this post – there was no space to take photos of the beds upstairs, as I have filled every inch of the house with boxes of stuff!

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about moving Angelica into a “big girl bed” for a while now, but didn’t want to do it until we were set up in a new house, so this was a brilliant dry-run to see what she thought about it all.

christy junior bedroom girls

I think it’s clear that she has absolutely no qualms about a bigger bed whatsoever (although she was equally as enamoured with the spaceships and stars we photographed in the cot bed as she was with ladybirds and hedgehogs); she jumped right in and made herself at home, rearranging the duvet and admiring the bunting on the bed-head. (The bed-frame is vintage Laura Ashley – we borrowed it from a friend. Isn’t it amazing?)

christy junior bedroom girls

The range shown here is the Ladybird Floral White – it features a very pretty floral pattern on one side of the duvet cover and pillow case and then a sweet little ladybird design on the other. The dotty fitted sheet that you can just about glimpse underneath is the Christy Junior Speckles Jersey and it is so soft and warm. There are also matching jersey pillowcases with the same cosy feel.

christy junior bedroom girls

Angelica loved the hedgehog cushion and has been sleeping with it in her cot – here she is with (randomly) a matching biscuit. I actually think that a particular high point of her day was the box of matching biscuits that arrived with all of the bed linen! The hedgehog biscuit lasted all of about three minutes and the bed was absolutely full of crumbs when she finally climbed out…

christy junior Infinity and Beyond

…and climbed straight into the cot-bed (“MY BED MUMMY!”) which had become something of a curiosity because she had never seen it with the side rail taken off before. There were almost tears when it had to be fixed in place again! But the Infinity and Beyond bed range went down a treat. A “Galaxy” duvet (please check sizing for cot-beds, as there are so many different duvets and – indeed – cot sizes!) and the heavier, very luxe-feeling Cosmos collection, covered in embroidered constellations.

christy junior Infinity and Beyond

Let’s be honest: at this age, we’re choosing all of these prints and designs for ourselves, really, aren’t we? I mean, the amusement factor for a baby and a toddler is limited: in truth, it’s all for mewant a vintage-looking “Ticket to the Moon” cushion and star-print blanket on my bed, and if I can’t have it (because it would look maybe a bit weird) then I can – and will – live vicariously through my offspring.

Ditto the ladybird print: I would have absolutely loved the Woodland Trail range when I was small – the name alone would have had me jumping about with glee – and so it gives me so much pleasure that I have my whole childhood to relive! Ha.

christy junior Infinity and Beyond

(My Mum is a master embroiderer (no exaggeration, she is very skilled – has work in museums and galleries) and used to make a lot of our duvets. I had one not actually that dissimilar to the Woodland Trail one.)

christy junior Infinity and Beyond

You can find the both the Infinity and Beyond and the Woodland Trail collection at

Prices start at £10 for the cuddly jersey pillowcases and £25 for the lovely embroidered cushions. You can get 10% off any purchase by quoting the code THEUPHILL!

christy junior collection

This is a paid advertorial with Christy Junior.




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