Bertie, South Molton Street: Too Much Choice…
On Tuesday I went with my extremely fashionable sister (Crilly Style) to the opening of the new Bertie store on South Molton Street. We perused the new collection, which was genuinely fantastic. I have a general problem with shoes: I like them high and sexy, but can never walk in them. I look better wearing shoes that are just a little more comfortable, because I can strut about in them like a vixen rather than having to lean against a wall for support.
So Bertie’s collection was the perfect blend of sexy and wearable, and I wanted at least five pairs of the shoes and boots very, very badly. But I could only have one, so I went for the very rock ‘n roll Siennas which are a DREAM to walk in! (Although I come up in an annoying half-size, so I’ll have to obtain some nice insoles from somewhere!)
My sister, on the other hand, went for “Copenhagan” (not my spelling mistake – although I think (hope!) it’s deliberate!) – check out her clashing patterns going on! Stripes, leopard print, and tie-dye hair. As they would say in LA, “she, like, totally rocks”.
Anyway. I have my eye on a gorgeous pair of boots that I think would see any fashionable, fast-walking, appointment-attending, all-weather-faring Londoner right through autumn and winter. As always, I’ll keep you posted!
Sienna shoes, £85 and Copenhagan boots, £120 from Bertie. For more photos of the store opening, go to Crilly Style!