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Beauty Favourites: September 2017

beauty favourites autumn 2017

I filmed this month’s beauty favourites on my new iPhone 8 and I’m actually quite pleased with the quality. One would hope that it would be good, considering the handset costs around the same as a small second-hand car, but it actually exceeded my expectations. Apart from the sound, which is very clear but a little on the quiet side – I had to ramp it right up when I was editing.

Mind you, I suppose I was filming from across the room – if the microphone was any more sensitive then you wouldn’t be able to use the iPhone as an actual phone because you’d be deafening the person on the other end! “HELLO? I’M FILMING MY SEPTEMBER FAVOURITES!”

A new – one-off – background for this video, because I was at Chewton Glen in one of the very swanky treehouse suites. I can highly recommend, especially for the outdoor hot tub, the breakfast hamper and the sound of swishing branches lulling you to sleep. Again, we’re looking at the price of a small, second-hand car, so it would have to be an incredibly special treat, unless you’re so rich that you bathe in a tub of solid gold and use banknotes as loo paper, but the setting is absolutely gorgeous – there’s something very calming about being up in the trees.

(I feel an advert coming on, re the second-hand car thing. Voiceover: “Thinking of buying a small second-hand car? In the market for a used motor? Stop! Why not spend a night in one of the  Chewton Glen treehouse suites instead? Or, for a longer-lasting treat, have you seen the new iPhone 8 Plus? It won’t get you from A to B but it sure as hell takes a good picture!” Hohoho.)

Anyway, here we are with this month’s favourites – a nice mix for you, with a budget-friendly face cleansing oil and a wrap blouse that’s both immensely flattering and effortlessly glam. You can find more info and links below the video screen. Oh, and please do excuse Baby Ted and his drumming/gurgling/generally distracting behaviour: I had to have him on my lap because he’s being all (cute and) clingy at the moment. I know there’s no need to apologise, for most of you, but some people get quite cross when I’m not 100% serious and focused, so, y’know…

Hush Atlas Wrap Blouse*: http://bit.ly/2wygQva // Simple Cleansing Oil*: http://bit.ly/2eSlAoo // Ohh Deer Planner: https://ohhdeer.com // Guerlain Lingerie de Peau Foundation*: http://bit.ly/2yJa325 // Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Powder in Shade 30*: http://bit.ly/2y14Vcq // Real Techniques B03 Brush: https://www.ruthcrilly.co.uk/2017/… // L’Oreal Balmain Lipstick in Urban Safari**: http://bit.ly/2yZirvh

**please note that I am part of the L’Oreal Beauty Squad. Any work I do in relation to that role will be clearly marked “AD”, otherwise the inclusion of a product – as in this video – is purely editorial, unsponsored and unpaid.

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