Balance Me Super Wash

Balance Me Super WashEverybody knows that beauty products bought as part of the grocery shop don’t count – they’re ‘free’ purchases. If they’re in the same trolley as the bread and the dozen eggs, the packets of flour and boxes of cereal, the toilet freshener and the value pack of 4 hi-ball glasses, then they become necessities and not luxuries. Everybody knows that.

Imagine my delight, then, when I spotted gorgeous brand Balance Me in my local Waitrose! I don’t shop that frequently at Waitrose – I usually only saunter down there when I have got tired of setting fire to banknotes and floating them off down the river – but when I do, I make the most of it. Organic, virgin-rolled porridge oats piped into handmade paper bags using a rare-breed pig’s bladder? Yes please! A ‘pinch full of dried chilli flakes’ at £1,895 per 10g? Oh yes Mr Waitrose!

Back to Balance Me and their delightful range of natural aromatherapy products. I picked out the ‘Super Wash’ which is a toning and uplifting daily wash. I must say that it does feel beautifully gentle on the skin, but the aroma is zingy and quite energising. If you use it with one of those balls of netting that you seem to get free with any purchase whatsoever in Boots, then you can make about three mls of this cleanse your whole body. If you have huge bear paws and a strong grip you’ll inevitably use much more, and then you’ll be in trouble.

I’m looking forward to trying more from the Balance Me range – further investigation tells me that they have won a couple of awards here and there and they look set for great things! I may have to start shopping at Waitrose more regularly… If you want to buy online then Lookfantastic stock Balance Me (here) and so do Boots!

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