I have managed to wreak a lot of mileage out of this little cloth book in the month I’ve had it. Possibly not the most intellectually challenging of reads, it simply features the high contrast faces of three different farm animals (cow, sheep, pig) using three colours (black, white, red) to stimulate and entertain new babies. Mine goes completely crazy with excitement every time I show her the Farm Book, especially when I start at the front cover with its little mirror…
The pages are crinkly, there are interesting patterns next to the animal faces and there’s a little velcro strap so that you can attach the book to a bouncer or play gym or car seat or what have you. I tell you: hours of fun. I actually have to restrict access to the Farm Book otherwise things get far too manic – wide eyes, leg-kicking, arm-waving… A fiver very well spent.
Farm Book is on Amazon here.