Aveda Color Conserve Strengthening Treatment

For the last eight weeks, I have been using Aveda’s Color Conserve Strengthening Treatment, a deeply penetrating conditioner that helps to prevent coloured hair from fading so quickly. As my hair is coloured with a non-permanent gloss, I have been trying to treat it as carefully as possible, avoiding the harsher shampoos, and slathering on masques and treatments like there’s no tomorrow!

I really do think that the Aveda treatment has helped to prolong the richness of my colour – after ten weeks, my hair had begun to fade back to it’s slightly brasher blonde tone, but the fading had been a slower process than I would have expected. Especially as I went to Greece and broiled in the 38+ degree heat, periodically cooling off in the chlorine-treated pool, or the sea, neither of which could have done much good for my poor glossy hair!

This treatment is to be used after shampooing, and you can leave it on for 2-5 minutes. I leave it on for about 10, whilst I wallow about in the bath, pondering deep philosophical questions. If you have colour-treated hair, you should do the same – and try the Aveda treatment, too; it works wonders.

Color Conserve Strengthening TReatment, £16 from Aveda.

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