Jonathan Ward Santissima Amalfi Candle

by | Oct 8, 2011

Jonathan Ward Santissima Amalfi Candle Scenting my office this week: Jonathan Ward’s Santissima Amalfi Candle. I’m by no means a candle connoisseur and so I shall keep it brief and say this: it’s very potent. Even unlit, it is managing to overpower the various battling odours surrounding my desk, which include a banana skin that is festering in my bin, a knocked-over bottle of lavender cologne and a strange, garlicky smell, source as yet unknown. Santissima Amalfi is the first limited edition candle from Jonathan Ward – the packaging is beautiful, very simple and clean, and it comes in a hefty box so makes a perfect gift. You could just tie a nice big ribbon around the box and give as is! (Have we inadvertently stumbled into Keep Calm and Shop here?!)

You can read more about Jonathan Ward and his exquisite, hand-made candles here: JONATHAN WARD


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