Sunburn SOS: Sterex Aloe Vera Gel

by | Jun 12, 2010

I know – not the most glamorous of products, but one that I felt I should really tell you about. We all know that Aloe Vera is great for sunburn – it soothes, cools and repairs whilst letting heat escape from the skin (thick creams and lotions can often trap heat), but Sterex’s formula is 95% liquid extract of Aloe, making it super-effective.

As I said, it’s not glamorous, and you won’t want to have it on display (probably – sorry if I offend anyone here, each to their own!) but when it comes to fast-acting relief, it’s way up their with the best remedies. If you feel yourself burning, then get out of the sun! So many people don’t – they just reapply sunscreen, or switch to a higher factor. Disastrous!

Preaching over, promise. This Aloe Vera gel is  actually supplied as a post-electrolysis treatment, so it definitely means business; great for use after waxing, after sun exposure (artificial or natural) and, obviously, after electrolysis!

Sterex Aloe Vera Gel (200ml), £6.90. Or, if you just want to have a little try, it’s £1.95 for a little 35ml tube. Perfect for taking on holiday! From Beauty Express.


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