Up, up and away!

by | Jun 11, 2010

Hurrah for me, because I’m off to warmer climes. Not that it particularly needs to be any warmer – it’s the secluded beach (see left for real-life, actual beach I’m going to) and fresh fish suppers that I’m really hankering after.

A model needs a break every now and then – and it’s not even strictly a break, it’s a working holiday, because I’m going to be shooting a brand new feature that you are going to LOVE!

So there are a couple of little bits and pieces that I may be able to post up whilst I’m away, but please bear in mind that I’m not going to be anywhere near WIFI (did I tell you I’m going to a great beach? In the photo, left?) and if there’s silence from my end, it’s because all communication is down.

Comments, including Giveaway entries, will all sit about in my inbox until my return, so don’t worry if they fail to appear on screen. Those of you who subscribe (well done you!) will know when I get back because I’ll ping you a message. Those non-subscribers…. what are you playing at! Get subscribing!

x x (Did I mention the secluded beach? It’s in the photo).


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