Mr Bear the Cat Model Recommends


Oh, Mr Bear. We all know the feeling. Who’s stuffed yet? Who literally could not eat another thing? I want – no need – to know what the worst thing you’ve eaten has been this Christmas and New Year. Hit me with it – make me laugh. Once my best friend emailed me a list of every morsel of food that she’d eaten on Christmas Day and I couldn’t work out how she was even still alive. It was ridiculous – she’d polished off about a week’s worth of food before 11am! So. What have you indulged in? What odd combinations have entered into your tummies? Have you eaten anything strange or disgusting? Pray tell – use the comments below.

(Mr Bear, in case you were wondering, had eaten a tin of Encore tuna and shrimp food and then two flower-heads from my Christmas flowers. He later threw it all up on the cream carpet. I ate quite moderately over the holidays as I had a temperamental tummy, but I’m now in America and probably eating my own bodyweight of pancakes and bacon every morning.)