Sunday Tittle Tattle

by | Nov 25, 2012

luxury gift guide

1) Thank you all so much for going over to Keep Calm and Shop – it took many man hours to get the site going again so I really appreciate it! From Monday there will be at least one new idea every day so do please keep checking back! Should I add an email update option do you think? You can follow on Facebook already, but I don’t know how often I’ll keep that updated!

2) I am currently road-testing the Kindle Paperwhite. It’s absolutely brill, but unfortunately I have to give it back! When I went to Amazon to see how much they were for my review I noticed that the Kindle Fire was on sale – it’s £99 for the weekend! I thought that was pretty good – you can watch films on it and everything! If you didn’t want to be done over by Apple fork out for an iPad then this could be a nice option… They’re not really comparable in terms of functionality but if you just want to read books and watch movies it ain’t half bad! Kindle Fire Offer

3) I bloody LOVE Effaclar Duo but I also bloody love Effaclar K! My skin is clearing up at an incredible rate – it’s almost smoother than it has ever been! I’ll do a proper review soon, but I just thought I’d say. The “K” version is a little less concentrated than the “Duo”, I think, and it also contains a retinol derivative that’s been adapted for oily skin. I almost like it more than the Duo, but it’s slightly more fragranced, so. Jury’s still out! You can find all the Effaclar Family here.

4) Can it please stop raining? I definitely do more shopping when it rains and I MUST STOP. I’m going to have to start selling off body parts quite soon…

5) Lipstick Queen. Packaging. Behold:

How pretty is that? There are two types of lipstick shown here – the Sinner and the Saint. The “Saint” lipsticks are really sheer; the Natural shade was far darker than I would usually wear, and in a brownish tone, so not for me, but the Coral in the very pigmented, opaque “Sinner” texture was gorgeous. It actually looks very murky and subdued until you put it on – then it’s a very vibrant corally red. Not one of those hot orange corals, those bright, bright reds, but a spicy, gingery red. The lasting power for the “Sinner” lipstick is incredible! You can find Lipstick Queen at Cult Beauty and they have free worldwide shipping until November 30th. The promo code is NOVEMBER and does not apply to Escentric Molecule fragrances, unfortunately.

6) Whilst on the subject of Cult Beauty; look what I found whilst looking for something completely different! Nail Polishes in the form of little pills! They are apparently really pigmented but tiny, so I’d be interested to try these out in real life. I just thought that they looked very, very cool. They’re £15 at Cult Beauty (free worldwide delivery, as before).

7) Pai are offering a free Christmas Sea Buckthorn Gift with every spend of over £40 and various other great incentives for Black Friday, so if you need to re-stock on any of your sensitive skin faves, now could be the time. Personally, I wouldn’t bother giving the gift away to someone else, Pai stuff is far too nice,  but that’s just me. Hardened Beauty Addict.


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