Sunday Tittle Tattle

by | Nov 11, 2012

1) Sounds like the Ojon trade-in deal was a bit of a crazy success… Some of you didn’t manage to get any, apparently, because the products were snapped up so quickly. I hear that they were ALL gone across the UK by midday! I couldn’t even get out to join the scrum as I was filming, but I hope that at least some of you managed to pick some up?

2) FYI for those of you who are London-based (or happen to be in town this Thursday): Elena and Mirella from Selexir will be at Harrods, launching the Peace Balm. They have made time to talk to readers of A Model Recommends should you wish to stop by and have a chat about eczema or try the product for yourself. Elena and Mirella will be at Urban Retreat (top floor of Harrods, very swish beauty department!) between 11am and 2pm and then in the evening from about 6pm until 8.

3) Did you know that every Creme de la Mer counter in the UK provides a complimentary beauty service? I had no idea! It’s absolutely free – no purchase necessary – and you can choose from such wondrous treats as a soothing hand and arm massage or a rejuvenating serum treatment. Each one lasts for 20 minutes! At the new Creme de la Mer area in John Lewis Oxford Street (London), you can have an hour long facial for £50, redeemable against any purchase. You’d be hard pushed to find a facial in London for £50, never mind one using super-premium potions and lotions! I’m astounded that I never knew about these services before – I’m definitely going to stop by next week and try out the 20 minute Eye Focus treatment.

4) It’s thing of the week time, and this week, without a doubt, the award has to go to Smashbox’s Photo Set Finishing Powder. It is insanely good. I have been filming all week for a new food channel and it was hot and really steamy – I had to powder my face continuously, but the Smashbox is so light that it didn’t cake or feel drying whatsoever. Full review to follow! It’s at

Right, that’s all for the minute! I’m off to enjoy my one day off and do something completely non-fashion, non-beauty, non-food related, like walking around the forest or perhaps going to the Tim Walker exhibition. Who knows – I live for the moment, me!


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