What I Packed for L.A.

by | May 14, 2012

Here’s what was in my suitcase when I went to LA recently – it took me bloody ages to get everything neatly aligned for this picture! This little feature was for www.iampacked.com which is the blog for Air New Zealand. I flew out in Business and back in Premium Economy, and I have to say that their Premium Economy is a good few notches above any of the other “premium” cabins that I’ve flown in. Massive seats, brilliant in-seat entertainment and food ordering system, lots of levers to pull and buttons to press. Obviously business class was amazing – business class always is; flat bed, champagne dinner, pipe and slippers and all that jazz – but the Premium Economy stood out as being exceptionally good value for money. I might start “marking” my flights out of ten and posting the results for all to see – like a Which guide to flying!

If you want to see the feature in full with a nice large photograph, click through to the blog – link is below. I spent ages on there nosing into people’s cases, it’s quite addictive!



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