Dr Stuart’s Liver Detox Tea

by | Apr 11, 2010

I have spent the day lying very still, with my eyes closed (some call it sleeping), and in my upright moments I have been sipping mugs of Dr Stuart’s tea. The reason for this rather melancholy Sunday? I’d rather not go into any fine detail, but let’s just say that the recycling men will be busy this Wednesday with the empty bottle mountain that will be outside my house. I should probably warn them to bring a back-up team and an extra truck.

Anyway, onwards and upwards, and we can’t afford to dwell on these things, especially when we need to look fresh and youthful for Monday’s castings. So the usual masks and pomades will be applied later, but in the meantime there is no better way to kick-start the old cleansing process than from the inside. I really mean that – topical cleansers are all very well, but if your body is full of toxins then your skin can never look its best.
The Liver Detox tea by Dr Stuart is superb, I have found. It doesn’t taste bad at all and it contains powerful cleansing herbs such as dandelion, liquorice and milk thistle. The tea-bags are individually wrapped and convenient to keep in your bag to take to work with you. Milk thistle protects the liver as well as helping it to detoxify, so this tea is great to drink for a few days before a big event where you know that you’ll be overdoing things on the drinking and eating front!
At around £2 for twenty tea-bags, it is one of the most cost-effective and hard-working rescue remedies out there.


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