Batiste Dry Shampoo

by | Mar 14, 2010

Calling all people to who:

1) Regularly attend festivals, camping weekends and/or holidays in Ibiza where washing one’s hair is just, quite frankly, too inconvenient
2) Need to keep their hair looking (and smelling) fresh and clean between professional blow-drying sessions
3) Frequently get to work- late – only to realise that it looks as though a pack of lard has been slowly massaged into their hair overnight
4) Are a dirty stop-out
5) Have a broken combi-boiler, which means that the water in their bathroom feels as though it has been piped directly from the Arctic circle, and that to shower in it would be to risk cardiac arrest.
If any (or all!) of the above apply to you, then Batiste Dry Shampoo will forevermore be your hair saviour. Simply sprayed onto hair roots, the dry powder absorbs grease, and then the whole lot is brushed out. Entirely gross in concept, entirely brilliant in delivery. Non-greasy hair in seconds!
I often see models spraying this liberally before hair castings; not only does it refresh and fragrance the hair, the dry shampoo can also give lift to the roots and added texture can be achieved with a little ruffling of the fingertips. There a few different slightly-overpowering-but-strangely-pleasing fragrances available, but I would stick to Original if you don’t want your hair to be competing with your perfume.
The 50ml ‘on the go’ size is perfect for keeping in your handbag, the full-size should be a permanent fixture in your bathroom cabinet! Available widely, including Superdrug (£2.09 for 150ml)


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