A Model Returns

by | May 10, 2010

I’m back – slightly later than promised due to a certain hyperactive volcano – but a model’s working life is littered with such setbacks and disasters!

Anyhow, on your left you will see the Colosseum and a rather whimsical looking face (mine) in front of it. I think that I look really quite fresh considering that I had been up since 4.30am!

I have lots of new products to tell you about and a few surprise videos in store, so watch this space – I’ll catch up with all of your comments and questions as soon as I can…

FYI: total hours sleep in the last week = 31.5, which averages out to 4.5 hours per night. Mothers with small children, I salute you; at least I had hair and make-up on hand to make me look human!


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