Nudes and Neutrals

by | Apr 21, 2010

Three images from my latest shoot; an exclusive preview, you might call it, if the definition of exclusive preview happens to be “anyone with an internet connection is allowed to have a look”. I have posted them up because:

a) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the hair and make-up

b) It’s very now with its nudes and biscuity tones

c) I’m a shameless show-off who never misses an opportunity for self-promotion

If I could make this hair and make-up permanent in some way, I would. I don’t think that I would ever tire of it. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, write them on a postcard. I’ve already thought of facial tattooing and setting my hair with superglue, so don’t suggest them. I beat you to it.


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