17 Falsifeye Mascara
I have become rather preoccupied with packaging lately. Perhaps because I have so many beauty products that are all in jet-black tubes, I have started to reach into my makeup bags and drawers and clutch at the first thing that stands out from the crowd! Hence my Rodial Eye Light pen (silver casing) getting used more than my Chanel version (black!) and my New CID Cosmetics iSmoulder liner (white outside!) being plucked from obscurity day after day.
FALSIFEYE! It virtually screams at you, does it not? I saw this on the shelf at Boots and just had to try. Chunky, hot-pink, eighties styling – it reminds me of a brand that used to be stocked at the local chemist’s when I was very very little. Can’t remember the name of said brand because a) I couldn’t read then and b) even if I could read I would have been too busy sticking things into every facial/cranial orifice. I’m sure I have a piece of Rusk still stuck at the top of my nose..Moving on!
It’s not just Falsifeye’s packaging that I’m impressed with – oh no! I think it’s actually a pretty great mascara – two quick coats and I have thickened, lengthened lashes! Staying power is good, finish is nice and not too drying -although it has a tendency to go a little bit crumbly after a long day’s wear. The brush is large and fat; sometimes I find these brushes difficult to use, but this is absolutely fine. I think that there’s something about much cheaper mascaras that I find comforting – I’m not worried about them drying up or going manky – and that, in turn, makes me love them that little bit more!
Falsifeye from 17 is £6.49 from Boots: http://tinyurl.com/3gacf9x