All The Books I Read in 2024

All The Books I Read in 2024

This is one of those posts that just does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a list of all the books I’ve managed to read in 2024. There were four that I had to abandon, right at the start of the year - I simply couldn’t get on with them and dreaded having to pick...

December Favourites

December Favourites

Welcome to this month’s random selection of “things I’ve really loved”. There’s a full video version further down the page and I do highly recommend you watch it if you’ve a spare ten or so minutes. It gives you an extended ramble about each of the bits and pieces I’m...

November Favourites

November Favourites

It’s my favourite week of the year: birthday week. I’ve never really been one of those people who squeal on and on about their birthday for ages beforehand and demand that many different festivities are organised for them, who expect special balloons with their age on...


Writer, content creator, veteran model and avid tester of beauty products. I’ve been blogging since 2010, giving honest recommendations and writing unbiased reviews about everything from luxury holidays to the best budget foundations.

You can read more about me on the aptly-named “About Me” page.

Useful Christmas Gifts

Useful Christmas Gifts

Here are some brilliant things that I use on an almost daily basis and would really miss if I didn’t have in my life. Would have to replace instantly, in fact, if they went missing. I’m telling you about them because they are all infinitely useful and therefore make...

My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2024

My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2024

It’s time. For the sixth year running I bring you my ultimate, easy, budget-adaptable Christmas gift. The one that feels thoughtful and personal yet takes seconds to buy and is easy to wrap and cheap to post. Yes, dear readers, it’s the most popular post of the...

Why Is Vinted So Utterly Addictive?

Why Is Vinted So Utterly Addictive?

A new, terrible era in my online shopping life has begun. One where any remaining iota of self-restraint has been completely banished, where there is an uneasy sense that the person at the helm of the Good Ship Buyalot (me) is, in fact, deeply unhinged. It’s a bit...

Powerful Skincare for Delicate Skin

Powerful Skincare for Delicate Skin

In my post on seasonal skincare tweaks (you can read that in full here) I talked about some of the things I change in my routine when autumn gets into full swing. Swapping lighter moisturisers for richer ones, for example, to counteract the drying effects of colder...

Top Cleansing Balms for £10 (ish)

Top Cleansing Balms for £10 (ish)

I’ve been writing about my skincare routine for the past couple of weeks. If you missed the first post, which was my easy-to-follow daily routine, then you can catch up here. My Skincare Routine at 43 That post also gives a bit of context when it comes to my...

Autumn Skincare: The Changes I Make To My Routine

Autumn Skincare: The Changes I Make To My Routine

Last week we had my general Skincare Routine at 43, this week I’m going to tell you about my autumn skincare routine and the all-important changes I make as the weather starts to cool. Weather starts to cool. God, I’ve made autumn sound romantic, haven’t I? Who am I...

My Skincare Routine (At 43)

My Skincare Routine (At 43)

This post was supposed to be about seasonal skincare changes, but in order to provide a bit of context I started writing about my usual skincare routine and then I went off on a tangent about how I feel about my face in my forties and then about eighty-seven years...

How I Stopped My Cat From Being Sick

How I Stopped My Cat From Being Sick

  I am loathe to write this particular post about how I stopped my cat from being sick because each of the three times I’ve attempted it, in the past six or so months, my cat has immediately gone and puked. Writing about him not puking seems to be an instant...

My Top 5 Recent Recommendations

My Top 5 Recent Recommendations

Oooph. It has been a month of seemingly quite random online and in-person purchases but by God have these things tickled the collective fancy of my Instagram followers. From a pressure-relieving seat-pad to a face contour wand that creates instant cheekbones, here are...

The Uniqlo Ribbed Sleeveless Bra Top

The Uniqlo Ribbed Sleeveless Bra Top

Last week I bought one of the absolute best things I’ve bought all year. I genuinely don’t know what I was doing with my life before I had it. And the most amazing thing is that this purchase happened as a result of my own complete ineptitude: through self-created...

How Not to be a Supermodel: Photos

How Not to be a Supermodel: Photos

Here are the photographs included in the ebook and physical versions of my book, How Not to be a Supermodel. If you have downloaded the audiobook and for some reason cannot access the PDF then you can view the photos below. If you have arrived at this page and have...

How Not To Be A Supermodel: Exclusive Extract

How Not To Be A Supermodel: Exclusive Extract

Here’s an extract from my book, How Not to be a Supermodel. It’s taken from a chapter about model castings and the physical/sporting skills I lied about having in order to try and bag some work. Could I play the drums, for example? Sure: Was I a pro-level ice-skater?...